Saturday, October 8, 2011

"Someday I will definitely ________________________."

Whatever your circumstances then, you were 100% certain that by 20, 70, 30, 40, -- take your pick -- you'd be _____________________________________.

Go ahead; have a little fun; provide a quick pleasure.
Fill in the blanks! Yes, now.

Unless you are a genuine vegetable, in which case you wouldn't even have gotten this far, there are things you would still like to do, be, and have in this life. If I offer you ten thousand dollars cash for every item you can list, how many things can you list that you would still like to be able to do before you die?

Go ahead, give it a shot: _______________________________________




How about when you were 17? Unless you've dulled your mind with lack of effort, are you capable of recreating, in your mind's eye --- right now -- the beliefs you held when you were 15 - 20 yrs old about where you'd be at age 30, 40, etc? Can you do it right now, as you read this?
If you couldn't be bothered doing this, please go bang your head against the wall several times

Fill in the margins, too. Write down several things that you were sure of 5, or 10, or even 20 years back if you can remember that far with at least a little bit of clarity (If not, then you must be senile, so toss in your chips, and this page, too).
Now, please identify for me the precise day that you woke up and decided to live a day that was virtually identical to the day before. Get up, punch a clock, go to work, have a drink. go home,....

Was yesterday pretty much the same as the day before? What about today? Got anything special planned for this evening? Are you trying to tell me that you did at least ONE MEASLY THING towards achieving anything that you want? Yeah, right.

How many languages do you speak? When was the last time you looked at your mate & saw something to be grateful for? (and commented on). Do you have at least ten to twenty grand socked away? Ever wanted to learn how to play guitar or piano, but just "haven't had the time? To nail bullseyes w/ bow & arrow, or darts? If you haven't either told or shown your kids recently that you love them, you'll understand how much you'll have contributed to them becoming losers: people who stop trying for a happy & rewarding life at some weird, unexplained date in time... usually in their 20', or early 30's, when they really don't believe in themselves...deep down... and so they stop trying... y'know, kinda like.... you?

Short and sweet: whenever we want something, whether it's a date with that verrrry nice-looking person over there, to learning new material for work, school, or what-have you, we find more ways to do it, have it, get it,... and if we can't find ways to do it... we create them.

Now I realize, and do understand, that most of the people who read this... ESPECIALLY you college graduates... are waaaaaay too stupid to actually change. You're so educated that you think you know what to do. If so, you'd be doing it. I know, I know: you've all got excellent "reasons" for just why it is you're not at the point in life you believed you'd be just 5, 10, or perhaps 20 years ago.
I'm not saying you have to go out and be a Leonardo da Vinci, a George Washington Carver, a Thomas Edison, or a Thomas Jefferson, in terms of accomplishments in so many different disciplines, as each of these men did...
but you can bet your bottom dollar that the single largest commonality observed in every single one of more than five thousand successful people was that each and every one of them failed... hundreds and thousands of times more than you and your whole family put together!! Because they TRIED more.

I'm not much on spectator sports, & I don't know if you are, but I'm asking you to consider the following:
-- Far more than any other baseball player, Babe Ruth suffered the greatest number of strikeouts. And the second-worst strikeout king? Hank Aaron. Then Mickey Mantle. That's right, the three biggest home run kings also struck out far more than any other players. Think it's coincidence?

2) What most people remember about Fran Tarkenton is that he successfully completed more passes than any other NFL quarterback in history. Do you think there's some connection w/ the fact that he also had more of his passes intercepted than any other NFL qb?
-- Ricky Henderson stole more bases than any other man in baseball history.... and yes, he was tagged out more times than any other. Are you catching on yet?

Do you think it a coincidence that Wilma Rudolph, a childhood victim of polio, went on to become the fastest lady in American history who broke THREE world records when she won three gold medals in the Olympics...? (Her records stand unbroken).
-- The greatest hitter in baseball was a man named Ty Cobb. His lifetime baseball average, over a period of many years, was an astonishing .367! No one has come close in the past 30-40 years. Here we have Ty Cobb, a professional, the best who ever lived. The fact that he had the highest average in history does not, change the fact that as good as even Ty Cobb was, he failed two times out of every three tries!! You've done no less, today you can do more.

If I offer you ten thousand dollars cash for every item you can list, how many things can you list that you would still like to be able to do before you die?

___________________________________ ___________________________________

If you DID have the brains to fill in those blanks, I have got some very exciting information for you:

  1. Without exception, the human brain and system ALWAYS and without fail, moves towards its most dominant current thought.
    If you understand that statement, and CREATE a new set of dominant thoughts, watch what happens.

  2. If you can write down on paper exactly what it is you want,
  3. establish a date by which you intend to achieve it
  4. list all of the obstacles you can expect to encounter
  5. list the skills/info you'll need to develop OR sharpen
  6. list the people/organizations/agencies that can help you achieve it
  8. WHY you want it
and then take daily steps toward it, you will find, within the next 25 days, that numerous areas of your life are improving at a l i t e r a l l y astonishing rate...

If you think I'm pulling your leg, don't take MY word for it: Shut up and DO IT !!!!
Results... measurable, impressive results... are unconditionally guaranteed to occur.

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