Saturday, October 1, 2011

Masters and Millionaires Success Shortcuts Immediate Boost in Intelligence

Not one scientist or drug company on earth could hope to refute the following. Please remember that 100% of us understand the raw, brain-boosting power of this shortcut. No less than 93% of us are too profoundly stupid to actually tap into it.

Don’t get me wrong: at least 7 out of every 100 of us ARE smart enough to try it once or twice. Only 3 of every 100 will be brilliant enough to do nothing more complicated than using this extraordinarily powerful SUPERshortcut for 22 consecutive days. There is a 100% guarantee that your brainpower will increase.

It’s so simple that you yourself have failed to see the forest because of all the trees getting in your way. It is also the specific reason why, as a child, you couldabsorb, assimilate, and use information at speeds far greater than you do today.

You have specifically forgotten how much power and benefit there is in oxygen. As a child, you breathed deeply as a matter of genetic programming. You were born knowing how: all the way out, all the way in. Then, you became socially more aware of yourself, and you actually forgot how to breathe. Every single emotion of stress, good or bad, and you just decided to breathe little shallow breaths, like all of us.

It is perfectly certain that expelling every last ounce of air from the three hundred million sacs that make up your two lungs, and then inhaling fresh air deeply through your nose, just once per hour eight or ten times per day will boost your I.Q. and problem-solving abilities by 15 to 30 points within the next 22 days.
No drug company, scientist, medical specialist, country doctor, or Harvard Medical Professor can successfully deny this claim. I don’t know one who would bother trying. You see, our brain requires only two types of food: tiny amounts of glucose, and huge amounts of oxygen. Do you know that the only purpose of blood is to act as a transportation system? More than 90% of that transportation system is devoted to carrying… you guessed it… OXYGEN!!!

Our muscles and brain and organs all require oxygen. The most important transportation system in the world is your bloodstream, which carries the oxygen and glucose to your brain and body. The system is even nice enough to carry along other, literally minor nutrients and defense mechanisms for our immunologic requirements. None of these items is worth anything without oxygen getting to the brain in large amounts.

When you breathe, you barely go halfway. When you get angry or depressed, frustrated or confused, you breathe even LESS, and your brain and body suffer instant loss and challenge to its ability to function with excellence. That’s why, when we suffer negative emotions, people tell us to do what? You’re right again: "TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND CALM DOWN." Is this true, or not?

Taking a deep breath instantly boosts your immune system, reduces dangerous blood pressure levels, not in minutes, rather, INSTANTLY, and creates an instantly clearer, uncluttered path to intelligent thinking.

Emptying out your lungs and filling them with fresh, oxygenated air instantly boosts your I.Q. and your problem-solving abilities. Not in minutes, rather, INSTANTLY.

Here you have a superb, high-powered shortcut that will bring you rich, fast, better results. As always, knowing it means bupkus. USING it, and DOING it, are what tell us how smart or stupid you are.
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