Saturday, October 2, 2010

We become what we think about.

Hero or housewife (not mutually exclusive), astronaut or temp office worker; we become what we think about. Take greater control today over what you're focusing. on, and watch how many improvements you quickly discern. It never fails. You only fail to keep trying. There is nothing else; all else is commentary.

Norman Vincent Peale achieved dozens of his most cherished goals. One of his greatest accomplishments was his decision to be happy for several consecutive decades. This was not a year or two of happiness. We're talking 70 straight years of personal felicity and joy in each day, through life's daunting challenges and soaring successes. He did not underrate the value of Lincoln's words. Near the end of his long, rich life he made the following statement: "The single greatest discovery of my life, outside of my relationship with God, has been the understanding that when you think in negative terms you will get negative results, and when you think in positive terms, you will get positive results."

"...single greatest discovery of my life..." Do you personally understand the profoundly enriching, empowered AND empowering life this man lived? Instead of merely acknowledging this with a nod of his head, as most of us do, he shut up and applied this incredibly powerful technique.
There is no human power, skill, or talent more underrated and underused than the faculty of focus. In every moment of your life, your mood is determined far less by the events occurring in your life than by how you choose to process those events and their impact on your life.
It is has always been, and shall always be,... ... your choice.
It can affect you mildly, or profoundly, positively, negatively, or indifferently. Outside factors play less of a role in your happiness than your attitude does.
Attitude supercedes aptitude in determining altitude.
Whether you like it or not, whether you employ it or not, the unrelenting fact of life, more powerful than any other statement you're likely to hear, can be summed up thus: Attitude, not aptitude, determines altitude. This applies to brain surgeons and garbage removers, mothers and parliamentarians, every one of us breathing.
What you choose to focus on is what you end up moving towards.
This alone, tapped into within the next few minutes, will launch of set of improvements that are unconditionally guaranteed to boost your results in every area you look upon.
When you look upon something, it's called ' focus'

Don't try to rewrite the laws of physics; that's why they are the laws of physics. They are immutable, and instead of saying, "Yes, but…," both you and I are best served by ceasing to argue, bitch, moan, and groan about why we can't do this, or get that, or become this or that. Surely you agree that we're all best served by using the laws of physics to our advantage? Focus better today, you get better results today. Period.
Those of us just half as smart as we think we are will generate immediate and lasting benefits, not only for ourselves; for others, too. We do so by talking less, and doing more.
You instantly benefit from shutting up and using more of the resources already at your disposal. Knowing it means very little until you are doing. You already know most of what you need to in order win at just about any given task. Proof? Well, picture someone you know walking up to you in the next hour and saying, "I have this dream of ________________, and I respect your opinion because I know you're smart. Can you give me some suggestions on how I can go about making this dream a reality?"
In just about every case you're able to provide suggestions, and in just about every case you're be willing to provide suggestions, some of them easy to implement. True, or not?

Now that we agree that you're both able and willing, what the hell is wrong with you?

You're smart enough to help others pursue a dream, yet not smart enough to help pursue your own? Something's wrong with this picture, and you are heatedly and repeatedly urged to focus like a laser, fifteen minutes a day, putting to paper before you go to sleep one of your biggest dreams and just a few of your better suggestions for making it happen... - just as if you were giving advice to a kid who came to you for help.

The human mind always moves towards its most dominant thought. It never changes, and believe me, you're like everyone else, moving towards your most dominant thoughts. Why not simply replace the negative with a positive that is desirable to you, viewing every challenge as a situation that requires solving, or better yet, as an opportunity?

When Earl Nightingale reminded us that we become what we think about, he meant it more literally than you may realize. We become what we think about. Joker, lover, good mother or writer, we persistently and consistently move towards our most dominant thoughts. Take control of them. ... intentionally. Every time you find yourself going into a mood that is non-productive, take control. TAKE CONTROL !!

You have one choice that can't be taken away from you: the choice to think as you wish, the choice to focus on whatever you wish. Whatever events are taking place, you can focus on the problem, allowing the world to see you as a whiner... ... or you can focus on the solution, allowing the world to see you as someone to turn to when a problem arises. That's what we mean by YOUR CHOICE.
When unhappy situations arise, continue acting like a baby, reacting instead of responding, or view each situation as an opportunity. Knowing that every cloud has a silver lining doesn't help unless and until you practice it when the rain starts pouring.
It's easy, it's simple, and when applied immediately, begins producing better results at a faster rate than you have up until now.

As always, the proof is found in whatever mood you find yourself most often.

From hopelessness to helpfulness, from jitters to joy,
you will become what you most think about. Might as well reap the benefits, hm?
If you present a fair amount of anger to people around you, it's not because they're inept and stupid; it's because you're angry about something you're not resolving. You see, even if those people ARE inept and stupid, it has nothing to do with your anger, because the same event that angers you might not bother someone else. As well, how often is there an intelligent reason or measurable benefit in expressing that anger? When was the last time you obtained something worthwhile from screaming at someone, once or twice in a lifetime? Did THEY get any lasting benefit, aside from learning it would be smarter not to interact with you?

This is even easier to understand when we see two people separately arriving at a bus stop five seconds too late. One gets angry, and the other says, "Excellent! This gives me an extra fifteen minutes to read my paper before all that bouncing and jouncing during the ride make it too tough to read the small print."
The event of the bus being late did not annoy anyone, any more than it pleased anyone. It only presented an opportunity to show a small mind, or a large mind. The eventual outcome of every event is determined by how the event is responded to.

The Chinese languages have been built carefully and with no small measure of wisdom. The Chinese ideogram or symbol for "crisis" is comprised of two symbols joined together. When you view them separately, you'll find that they translate into English as, "danger" and "opportunity." Wow. Denis Waitley translated the symbols to read "opportunity riding the dangerous wind."

Every event in your life can be dealt with from outside in or inside out. Positive, or negative.

Every response is a choice, whether good, bad, or indifferent. Just because you can't stop the wind from blowing does NOT mean you can't control which direction you will use the wind to blow you towards, hm?

If you offered me free SuperBowl tickets, I'd be bored. There are many people would gladly pay $500 for a SuperBowl ticket. One man's meat is another man's poison. We move in the direction of our strongest and most repeated focus.

In every event,the outcome of the event is determined by how you process the event, how you choose to focus upon that event. Focus is like a flashlight. Widen the beam of light, what happens to the strength of the beam? It weakens, doesn't it?
Narrow the beam of light, and you see it get stronger.
It's identical to your mind in this respect:
When the beam is wide, it's weak; when it's narrow, it's strong.
That's worth repeating:

When the beam is wide, it's weak; when it's narrow, it's strong.

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