Monday, October 12, 2009

More Amazing Golden Losers Who Succeeded with Shortcuts

Bartender in his twenties and a video store clerk of a similar age. Both perceived by friends and family as you'd expect: typical shmoes. No particular reason for them to meet, or know each other, as they live and work in different cities.

Just funny how people can make a decision, a very specific decision, about where they intend to be at a set point in their own future. It's a wonder why you're not, when you give even a moment's thoughts to this high school dropout, renting videos to customers for a local lady who knew what she wanted -- to own a video store -- or to the bartender,who was NOT voted "Most Likely To Succeed" in high school, with his school-wide reputation as a real wiseass.
First you've got a guy making five bucks an hour for himself (and quite a bit more for the woman who owned the store), Just because he was a video store clerk doesn't mean he didn't have dreams and wishes; of course he did. The big difference between that clerk and the person reading this -- oops, that's you, isn't it? -- in fact the single most observable difference between our high school dropout and you personally is that he wrote his dream on a piece of paper, and made a list of just some of the smaller steps he'd have to take in order to get to his dream... and you haven't!!
Ahhh, dreamers; don't you just love them? They are the most singularly interesting of all people. Although you personally might not know it, dreamers, the ones who sound the 'craziest,' have historically taken more action, far more action towards those dreams, than people like you... ... supposedly practical, pragmatic folks, who talk about how you COULD have your dream if only......

Uch, why are we exposed to such whining, loss-focused attitudes, especially now and today, with so many phenomenally effective shortcuts available to you within minutes, MINUTES of right now?
What makes it so offensive is that people who DON'T have their dream come true are in that position strictly because they refuse to hush up, put it in writing, and break it into smaller, much more manageable pieces. They'd rather make excuses, and explain why they can't have it, instead of listing ways to go about getting there.
Henry Ford phrased it well when he said,
"People who say it can't be done
should stop interrupting those who are doing it."
Please forgive me: I can't explain to you why my dreams are achievable or not: I'm just too busy working at making it happen. The identical energy that we both have, perfectly identical brain energy, appears to be focused in different directions: you focused on why you can't, me focused on how I can. I admit that I don't know HOW to make my dream come true, and then I go out and find people who can tell me; those who have done it, those who are doing it now.

Smell reality, folks. Let's say, for example, that you have never once sat at a computer. It requires, and I kid you not, it requires no more than 100 seconds from the time you first sit at a computer, even if it's the first time in your life, LESS than 100 seconds for you to learn how to get thousands of answers to a hundred thousand different question you might ask.

You want advice? Enormous loans? Freebies? Free courses on public relations or brain surgery, door-to-door instructions to a house on the other end of the country? Guitar lessons? The ability to use a camera many thousands of miles up in the sky? Free scholarships? All this and so much more are just seconds away when you learn how to search the Internet, which requires barely a minute of instruction or experimenting. If the computer you're sitting at is connected to the Internet, there is a white box in front of you. Just type what you're looking for, in plain language, and it will find it for you. Yes, that simply.

Regarding absolutely anything that I do not know how to do,do you really think I'll ask my mother, brother, or my Aunt Tillie/Nellie/Billie or Shmillie?
Of course not! I'm going to go as directly and quickly as possible to the horse's mouth:
those who have already done it at a world-class level.
Let's cut right to the chase. There can be no doubt, and no argument: when a dozen masters in a single field answer thirty-one questions, and four of their answers are almost perfectly AND universally identical, only a moron would presume to know more, or to know better, about the field in which they are masters, let alone how to get up the ladder to being a master. F'shtay? Capisce? Comprendez? You catching the flavor here?

Why would anyone go to the wrong end of the horse to seek top-notch info? Here we have the information, the methods, even the very words used by the best of the best in every single one of a thousand different human efforts. Gee, did I say a thousand? Yes, I did, probably because there's some question about whether you're even vaguely capable or willing to consider that there are thousands of experts on hundreds of thousands of different subjects.

Whew! That's a strong statement, isn't it? Life-changing, in fact, for those tiny little numbers of you, just seven in every one hundred, who are so much smarter than anyone around them (with the possible expection of one of your parents) ever, ever conceived of you being. Much smarter for no other reason than that you're openminded enough, therefore smart enough, to treat this document as a personal wakeup call AND advisory that virtually everything is available to you right now. As a result, the next few hours, and the next several days, will find you making more efforts, AND THEREFORE MORE PROGRESS, than you have ever made in your life before. Best of all, it applies to every known human effort, from getting a medical degree or on the local police force, into a rock band or running unusually successful garage sales at your home every month.

Since your actions of the past several months make it difficult to believe that you can grasp the very idea and reality of having thousands of experts on each one of so many thousands of human efforts,settle for understanding that you can find at least one thousand top-notch experts on any subject on earth.

Having made it past this intensely important bridge, let's shut up and tap into this potent resource, and let's do so today. Just 100 seconds to sit at a computer at any public libary in America and learn just about instantly how to search for any subject on earth.
Roll me in honey and tie me to a beestack, you are not mistaken in thinking that
Which brings to mind the bartender. A wiseacre, a joke-popping guy who thought he was a ladies' man. Much as he enjoyed bartending, interacting with so many new people, and, of course, meeting new girls. He also had this enormous desire for something specific, and, just like the video store clerk who lived and worked far away, he exhibited just one major difference between himself... ... and you.
Ah, now you're patting yourself on the back for thinking that you're smart enough to know the difference between you and the relatively broke bartender, aren't you?

You already jumped ahead to the conclusion that the difference between you is identical to the differences between you and the lowly video store clerk, true or not? You're just convinced that you're above average in intelligence, go ahead, tell the truth.

Well, that just goes to remind us of two life-changing facts:
  1. people are rarely as intelligent as they believe themselves to be. Yes, including you. This is based on measuring not merely what you know, which only counts for a piece of the pie. It's based on measuring what you DO with what you know.
  2. Being dumb and being smart are always a matter of choice.

No kidding. The first is true because we have visual, documented evidence. Look at the difference between where you are, and where you wish you were right now. That's the proof, along with,
"Our actions are so loud our words are barely audible."
The second is true as well: stupidity and intelligence are a matter of choice. Please recognize and remember that it doesn't matter how little information you might have about how to achieve something you want. As long as your want is specific, and in writing, repeatedly, we instantly see that you're using more of the information you have, rather than having a great deal of information and using it not at all. Do you understand this seemingly simple point? It all comes down far less to what you KNOW than it does what you DO with what you know.

Look how many know a great deal, and do little or nothing with it. Now look at
"typical shmoes" who take that tiny nugget they might possess, and milk it for all it's worth. It explains how our high-school-dropout video clerk met the bartender years later. How many nuggets do YOU possess? The most critical, impactful question anyone can ask you in this life is, simply enough, "What are you doing today with your nugget or nuggets?"
The video clerk, named Quentin Tarantino, thought wierd by so many, became an extraordinarily successful man in Hollywood, while the bartender didn't too badly either. He did so well in fact, that Quentin asked the now-former bartender, named Bruce Willis, to star in his off-beat movie entitled, "Pulp Fiction," which went on to become a cult hit and serious financial success, relaunching the career of a languishing young has-been star named John Travolta, and initially lauching the career of Samuel Jackson, who went on to become a ten million dollar-per-movie star.

Several careers launched not merely successfully, rather, all four of these men individually broke a variety of records in their fields, and earned respect for being one of the best, all as a direct result of this movie... ... of the efforts of a former video store clerk.

Please take a look at your local video store clerk, or the last bartender who served you a drink at a family celebration. Did either one of them strike you as someone who would be at the top of a whole new game, an entirely new career within a Not one human in a hundred would predict that these two so-called "nobodies" in their twenties would ever have reason to meet. Although they both gave the appearance of being less than supremely intelligent, they both became geniuses the moment they began to take the tiny steps written on their lists.
We all know if you're smart or stupid. We know this not based how much information you can bring out of your mouth, because that's a common trait, but rather by observing the measurable, definable number of times you apply what you know to making something specific happen. Can you tell us aloud where you're heading today?
Exactly where do you want to be tomorrow? The answer will be clearly broadcast to everyone around you, in the next few hours, in fact, based on where you go today, and what you do there.... and most of all, how many times.

Golden Losers: those who are persistently ridiculed for doing exactly what you do -- wish for something -- and then have the audacity, the basic courage, to shut up, put it in writing, and persistently ask for what they want... and invariably end up getting there.
Happy are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to make them come true, instead of being like 93 percent of us, who pay the price for NOT making them come true.
Your category? We already know.

We can see by where you are moving today.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Fastest, Most Effective Shortcuts to Success

 America is still the richest land in the richest era in history. Each year, hundreds of thousands of people here become millionaires! Four million Americans double or triple their income. Opportunity in thousands and thousands of different arenas. So why do most of us settle for such average results? When did we stop dreaming big dreams? Worse, at what insidious point in time did YOU stop believing in your dreams?

Who wouldn't laugh at Ben Rich, when he came up with a "design" in the 1970's for an invisible airplane? Would YOU believe in such a silly dream? Not many people did. One powerful man who DID believe in what Ben presented him with was in charge of allocating money to military aircraft research (A man who went on to become US Secretary of Defense).
Money was invested, and many years of research and development were required... including many dozens of ‘failures.’ Ben Rich never stopped believing in his dream. In 1990, the value of his dream, and the persistence to make it reality, was magnified through 43 consecutive days and nights of selective, near-surgically-precise bombing in Iraq... without a single F-117 Stealth Fighter being shot down -- even in the face of massive anti-aircraft barrages, where the skies were lit with explosions!!. The reason none of those F-117's were shot down? Opposition radar never once picked up these Stealth fighters. Electronically speaking, they were invisible!
My point? Dreams are invariably "impossible" to those who don't share the dream. People who are unwilling to pursue their own dream are mighty quick to knock the efforts of those who dare to dream, and dare to take the smaller, necessary steps to make that dream a fact of life. Remember that the people who knock YOUR dream are losers... especially if the person knocking it happens to belong to the face you see in the mirror.
Isn't there SOMETHING you'd still like to do in your life? Is the rest of your life nothing more than punching a clock, making it from payday to payday? Are you able to bank at least two paychecks per month as "free & clear savings," above & beyond your expenses & pleasure spending? If not, it may be time to take a look, hmm? I know, I know, you've got dozens of so-called "reasons" for not really tapping into the Giant that’s inside of you. Frankly, I'm not interested in hearing them, nor do I know ANYONE who's interested in listening to your excuses... except for other excuse-makers, who will be quick to commiserate with your "reasons," & quick to agree with you. Well, no one's ever excused his or her way to success.
Time to stop whining, complaining, bitching, griping, Moaning, groaning. Ugh, what depressing & offensive words. Wouldn’t you rather be excited, enthusiastic, straining for the winning line?
Do you have any desire to feel the joy and excitement of NEW successes and toys and cash?
You’ve solved emergencies before…when it was important enough to you.
What’s important to you now?
Stop making excuses. Enough already, hm?
Today's date is separate from every other date in your life, and mine.
Only a fool would waste a day. Then again, maybe you have something more important to do today.

Whatever you do in the next hour will tell us clearly what you stand for, & who you are....
JC Penney: "Show me a stock clerk with a goal,
I’ll show you a man who’ll make history.
Show me a man without a goal, I’ll show you...
... a stock clerk."

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Three Hopeless Cases

What torment for a woman to give birth to a child afflicted at birth with what we now know as autism. When doctors agreed that she had to institutionalize the child, she said, "No way."

Disruptive and self-destructive, he couldn't even be hugged or kissed. Doctors and specialists repeatedly told her she had to institutionalize her son. She refused. His unruly behavior at school was so egregiously disruptive he wasn't merely suspended, he was thrown out of his school. Permanently. Then another school expelled him... and another.

His speech defect, and the flat feet which excluded him from athletic pursuits, and the mocking of the other kids, all added up to a ton of pain. That pain was expressed as disruptive behavior. He was eventually kicked out of seventeen schools. Can you imagine what it must have been like? How understandable to make the decision to give up on him? How much can a parent take? What hope for a productive future can such a child's parent expect? They felt as if they were running out of schools.

They finally found a place for him in a private Swiss school. It was neither inexpensive, nor simple to accomplish. The certainty of accomplishment is vastly improved by the persistence of fierce love, of dedication to a child.

At his 18th school he discovered a fascination with, and love of, art.
It calmed him considerably. His interest and curiosity grew.
He became more manageable, and began asking himself better questions. Every human who asks better questions ends up with better answers. One repeated effort of a specific task: asking a better question about anything we urgently wish we had.

We ask ourselves, and this certainly includes you, any thousands of questions per day. Thousands and thousands of questions and decisions taken one at a time at fantastic speeds just in the course of tossing a set of keys back and forth between your left hand and your right hand.

Too many of the questions we ask each day are externally focused. The quality of your thinking, and your decision-making instantly multiplies when you take some of the questions you're already asking, silently or aloud, consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously, and replace just a few of them with better questions; questions that are focused inwardly; questions that you will definitely find you already have the answers to.

Your inner voice, your inner mind, are fantastically knowledgeable and helpful. For whatever reasons you have or think you have, you've ignored them more than heeded them, by a ridiculously large margin. The proof is in the number of times you've laughed in the past 24 hours... or the number of times you haven't. Make this one tiny improvement in this next hour and you'll see results before you go to sleep tonight. If you really think you understand the instant, powerful value of this, then I dare you to prove it before you go to sleep tonight. Use it immediately, and get benefits immediately. It's that simple.
From the looks of your life it may be too simple for you to understand. You can change this within minutes or even seconds. Whoops. Please don't answer in words... ... because whatever you do in the next ten to sixty minutes of your life will provide a crystal-clear vision and video of where you're going to be in five years, one year, ten years, etc... right up until the day after they bury you, when the newspaper will describe you in a single sentence. That sentence will be determined by what you do in the next hour, and when you really do figure this out, above and beyond what you now b elieve to be true, you'll be smiling.

Back in the States, with a family of his own to feed, he struggled and struggled. One of the better answers he came up with was that, however rough things were in his life, he had to spend at least a couple of hours per week trying to express his artistic side. In those minutes reserved just for his creative side, he wrote a screenplay that attracted interest. Broke as can be, he actually turned down a whopping $250,000 for the script, because the buyers wanted the script outright. He refused to let go of the script unless he could also direct the movie!! Wait, it gets better: He wanted to star in it, too!

When your electric bill is unpaid, your refrigerator and cupboards empty, a quarter of a million dollars is one whale of a pile of money. His desire to direct and star in his creation was so great that the short-term challenges of physical hunger, pressure from t he electric company to pay his bill or face turnoff, not to mention his wife and family, were factors he decided he had to tolerate in order to make his dream come true.
Know for sure that you've got to have a dream if you're going to make a dream come true. Put a date on it, and it's not a dream anymore. It's now called a goal. At 20 million dollars per movie, the guy who refused to sell that script won his battle, developing fame as "Rocky."

Is he smarter than you? Better connected?
No, he had a desired destination.
When do you start asking better questions? With better questions, he got better answers. He asked himself what he had to do to make it happ en, writing out answers, creating what is called a map, and resolving to stick to his map. Take a desire; put a deadline on it. Now it's a goal. This is the most concise explanation of how computers work; how the human brain and body work together: with goals. The fancy word is 'cybernetics.'

A dream with a deadline is a goal. Please remember that. Sylvester Stallone presented us with every reason to think that his better questions helped him to become a sensitive, sensible, philanthropic, superwealthy, happy individual, rather than what he was headed for. He was not born that way, and he did not get that way by accident. He asked himself a whole series of better questions, and, y'know, he got better answers. If you look back at the past 24 hours, I'm willing to wager that Christopher Reeves, breathing only by grace of God a breathing apparatus, and enormous personal desire, has actually done more towards achieving his lifetime goals than you have. Now just stop & think about this a moment. Here's a man who has every 'reason' or excuse to just stop trying.

Instead, he looks at his life & his family as BEING every reason to keep trying. Advancing his physical rehabilitation, doing work for spinal injury causes, directing a major motion picture... if Chris Reeves can do all this, can you please tell me why you have almost certainly embraced little more than mediocrity in the past 24 hours?

Exactly what have you done TODAY towards your long-term dreams? Do you even have a dream? If you don't know precisely where you're going, I'll bet you end up somewhere else. If you had a genie, and 3 wishes, what would they be? I'm asking you to put it in writing in the next 60 seconds. If you can't be bothered, you're a fool to waste your time reading any further. If you're smart enough to do it now, you will, I promise, be one step closer to your dream than if you don't. This is basic logic. Are you with me so far? Don't talk: DO IT!
__________________________ ___________________________


We started with three hopeless cases here, referring to three people who just about everyone else had or has given up on: Sylvester Stallone, Christopher Reeves... ... and you.
There has always been at least one person who's never stopped believing that they are meant for good and big things in life, including you. I know for a fact that you personally can do more for this world before you move on. However trite or corny you may accuse it of being, the dispassionate fact is, Newton's Third Law of Physics does not fail, and cannot fail. The most hopeless possible situation always and without fail contains opposite traits. There is no yin without the yang.

You are already fully aware of Newton's Third Law of Physics, formally or otherwise.
For every action in this universe,
there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Well worth capital letters. Scientists will routinely tel you that there are very few absolutes in life. We use capital letters for Newton's Laws because they are unchanging. That's good news for you because knowing something in advance is a fantastic resource for you to tap into 365 days per year.
When you look at the people who have broken records at the Olympics and in other venues, you find again and again that the people who do it the best are more often than not people who overcame crippling diseases or losses that stun the life out of more than 9 of every 10 people who experience such losses.
In each and every case, each Olympic gold medallist and corporate or institutional leader personally interviewed, you find that they all tapped into Newton's Third Law.

When you know for a fact that what goes up must come down; when you are totally certain that what goes around must come around, that is the moment for you to shut up and get busy. You have so many resources around you: every time you use one, there will always be a result.

Please answer a simple enough question:
When a sculptor hits a huge piece of marble with hammer and chisel a hundred and two hundred and three hundred times, and you see zero evidence that he's getting anywhere, is there any factual, intelligent, logical reason to continue?
After all, he hit the dang thing a couple of hundred times, not a chip, crack, or even much of a deep scratch. What POSSIBLE reason could he have for continuing to strike away at the slab of stone? Isn't it obvious to a duck that nothing's happening?
Please get this clear in your mind: that sculptor knows for an absolute fact that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Anything we do enough times with a focus on doing it well will produce world-class results. There are no known exceptions, none whatsoever, and that includes you.

You know just as well as the sculptor, or you certainly would if you watched him/her, or better yet, tried it yourself, that the stone will eventually split right down the middle of that strike zone, even if it's a one-hundred ton stone.

No one's asking you to split a helluva hunk of marble or granite. You're simply asked to wake up to the fact that, however bad it seems right now,
-- there are ALWAYS people worse off than you: those whose mistakes cost them their lives. For them there is no decision to make about living without a lost limb, they have no more life.

If you have the brains to have gotten to this page, and to understand these words, then we both know that you have enormous strengths in you that you've been ignoring. This is your wakeup call, Sister. Every ounce of energy you're now using to focus on what's wrong? Take that same energy to focus on the solution. Every single action you take is guaranteed to produce a result. If you don't like your results, it means you don't like the steps you're taking to produce that result. Changing the effort always always always changes the result. It's a perfect law of life, we call it Newton's Third Law of Physics. This afternoon it will begin producing better results for you. The law will profit and benefit you, and others around you, just a s it has for me, and for billions of humans who have walked the planet.

That's why you have this program, and and many thousands of connected web pages, all for free. I take no profit, my identify remains anonymous. This is for you, because I believe in you. It's probably fair to say I've overcome more handicaps than you have. I've made my life exciting, and fun, and I believe you can, and will, the same day you begin using the shortcuts of those who've already done what you want to do, and be, and have. I believe in you. Now, let's get YOU to believe in you... more than ever before.
Sylvester Stallone and Chris Reeves, successful men, describe exactly what they want. Whether it's a fun wedding or a better job or directing a movie or increasing your income a modest 50% within 8 weeks: it doesn't matter WHAT it is you want. If you know exactly WHY you want it, and can describe in detail what it is you want, you have already accomplished at least 1 or 2 percent of the job. Now you only have 98 steps left! You can actually change your life in the next 5 minut es.

Put up or shut up. Describe, out loud & in writing, precisely what you most want in life. Begin creating a plan by writing out who can help you, & what 5 smaller steps you'd have to take in order to do or obtain it. It's really true: you can change your life in the next 5 minutes, not by talking about what you know... rather, by USING what you know. Talk less; do more: it's the only way we'll ever know who you are. The way you spend today's hours is a pretty good video preview of how you will be remembered. So, if your challenges and obstacles are less daunting than what Sylvester Stallone, Christopher Reeves and so many others have faced, what are you waiting for?

I repeat,
What Are You Waiting For?!!

This is the most powerful day of your life, a day to put a date o n your dream, listing who can help you, and breaking into ten, twenty, or even fifty or a hundred smaller steps.Why wait?

Should you even momentarily think that this is difficult, please remember that you take these precise steps every single time you want something urgently. Here, you're invited to write it down simply because writing it down is a shortcut: it helps you get there faster. If you knew better, you'd do better. If you're living your dream life of passion, excitement, and fun; of service, and relaxing and productivity, then by all means, continue. Otherwise, hush up and try doing it the way masters and millionaires do it.

You see, they know better; they're
doing it better. If you're not getting it from the horse's mouth, at which end of the horse will we find you?

Friday, October 9, 2009

For those who dare to dream

There is one power that supercedes all others known to Man.

You yourself cannot argue... You're smart enough to agree with the power of this amazing shortcut and too stupid to tap into it. Yes, you.
I can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt in the next 60 minutes.
Not one philosopher, doctor, teacher, billionaire or gold medallist will argue:

There is one resource available to every human being unconditionally guaranteed to get results today; a magic power you can tap into in the next 60 seconds. It is guaranteed to bring you immediate, instant progress towards your sweetest, deepest dream. It is the power of acting within this minute in time, for this is the most powerful minute you can possess.
In fact, this next hour will present to you, at considerable cost, sixty individual opportunities to do things with low effort, average effort, or superior effort. Sixty individual minutes of mediocrity or excellence, decided and determined by nothing and no one but you.
Are you low, average, or superior?
As it is with every human being, the next sixty minutes will tell us best, hm?
Plant YOUR seeds of power! Water and nurture them with daily movies. CAN DO!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

YOU decide! Win or Lose at Success with Shortcuts

You can be comfortably certain of an exciting, adventurous life within days of you saying it is so.
The fact that life is a self-fulfilling prophesy is probably more pertinent to your circumstances than you're allowing yourself to believe. Try using more exciting sentences right this minute!

With considerably less effort than you may have imagined,
shortcuts to success will radically improve your success, quickly, effectively.
Do any of us speak with greater authority than masters and millionaires?
We can only move in one direction:
the direction of our most dominant current thought.
This absolutely guarantees that YOU taking control of the dominant current thought assures you of moving in that direction. You will literally decide what new directions your life moves in.
Take more control of your life by aiming your mental flashlight intentionally.
Focus on what you want, rather than why you can't.
The exact amount of energy you now use to cite reasons why you're not at your personal high point -- the same exact energy of thought -- is instantly transferred and transmogrified into resolution focus when you list possible ways to get it done.

How about proving - today - that you understand this?

Whether it's the moment you marry the sweetheart of your dreams, or the moment you step in front of a camera for your first commercial or starring role, any moment that you're pursuing something with zeal is a moment you'll remember forever. It is also the moment for which you will be remembered. You now have a reputation. It will get better or worse in the next 24 hours...
...based on what you do in THESE 24 hours. There is only one way we'll ever know if you're smart enough to understand this. One way only.
After all is said and done, this is your life, and it will end someday. Won't you feel so much better about it if you took the road of personal fulfillment, before it has passed forever, starting a new dream, a new goal, a new determined effort that you can work on... ...before it has passed... ...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires

How excited are your employees?

Is your mind sufficiently flexible to allow you to understand that excited employees consistently and repeatedly produce more?
Do you specifically realize that they also produce higher quality of work?
For this one minute in time, let's both focus on the mental picture of an excited, charging group of people, led by a focused, also-excited manager or executive.
Without paying his fee, why not use the only man alive to read 17,000 books, who electrifies every group he works with into instant action? He refuses pay until his clients see results. Instead of hiring Easy Street, USA. to send him to you, we'd prefer that you, as manager, personally get excited and write down on paper just one new idea every three hours for the next week. One new idea to get every employee excited. By week's end you'll have quite a list, yes or no?
Since you've made it to management, you're urged to defy the Peter Principle which claims that people rise to their highest level of incompetence. One new idea every three hours for a week. The results will astonish & delight you personally... and professionally.
Along with the intensely productive technique of catching people red-handed in the act of doing something right, and publicly making 'a big deal' out of it, this PowerGem of "idea generation" has demonstrated itself to be the single most compelling reason for MrShortcut being credited with instigating the breaking and/or shattering of more than one hundred and seventy production and sales records at five major NY companies
By the time you've written, close-your-mouthwritten, fifty ideas, fifty reasons for your people to get excited about breaking records, you'll have many useless ideas, a few good ideas, and one or two that are world-class. Unconditionally guaranteed to every human who has made it to even the lowest rung of management. That one idea will charm 80% of your employees (See Pareto Principle), and your productivity starts moving towards that magic top ten percent. It works every time.
This one method is used 365 days per year by many hundreds of thousands of self-made millionaires. Do you really believe you know better than the horse's mouth? Are you one of the 5,950.000 Americans currently earning $80,000 per month or more? Any day that you're not getting excited and using your pencil, you can be sure that a too-generous portion of your resources are being too-lightly tapped. You do NOT need more to get more; you simply need to use more of what you already now have at your disposal!!!
We'd prefer you to be smart enough to save your money and implement these simple powers on your own. There are other ways you already know about which will increase your business. If your boss came to you today and said, 'Boost productivity by 20% in sixty days or you're gone,' we somehow believe you will do so as long as your position is of sufficient importance to you. You would have a reason to get excited, and, like smiles and yawns, both ends of the motivation scale are contagious.
When was the last time you caught an employee, red-handed, in the act of doing something right? Far more than any other bellwether, this is your tool for assaying precisely how much people WANT to produce for you, and for mutual benefit: how appreciated they are.

No one says you have to go overboard in kissing an employee's feet. What you ARE being reminded of is the mathematically precise formula that comprises Newton's Third Law of Physics ('Every action in this universe produces an equal and opposite reaction.')
We urge you, with the utmost vigor of discourse,to pull out your pen and paper and begin that list, with no less than one new idea every three hours.

As well, it is no less vital that you either begin, or measurably expand, your own personal and professional ability to catch people in the act of doing something right. Sumner Redstone, a man involved in vital, bilion-dollar decisions into his seventh and eighth decades of life, was known to remind people that 'luck' is merely an acronym for Laboring Under Correct Knowledge.

Most of us understand that an excited employee is a more productive employee. Few of us act upon all that we know. How about you?

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Monday, October 5, 2009

How to Succeed with Shortcuts - Current Events

There is, I think, an essential difference of character in mankind, between those who wish to do, and those who wish to have certain things.

I observe persons expressing a great desire to possess fine horses, hounds, dress, equipage, etc, and an envy of those who have them.

I myself have no such feeling, nor the least ambition to shine, except by doing something better than others. I have the love of power, but not of property. I should like to be able to outstrip a greyhound in speed; but I should be ashamed to take any merit to myself from possessing the fleetest greyhound in the world.

I cannot transfer my personal identity from myself to what I merely call mine.
The generality of mankind are contented to be estimated by what they possess, instead of what they are.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How to Get More Dates With Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires

Whether it's a date with that very nice-looking person over there,
obtaining a better job, or acquiring material things,
it's as if we forget how effectively resourceful we are in emergencies.

We find more ways to do it, have it,and get it,
when our why is strong enough.
Some -- and only some -- of our fears and desires launch us into action.
It makes sense to use them more intentionally, doesn't it?

More often than we'd expect, people show their best in the face of disaster affecting other people. We're not quite as selfish as TV news reporters would have us believe. Fear and desire are big, big forces we tap into in emergencies. Let's use them for YOU to benefit from quickly. You already know from experiences in your own life that when we have a strong enough 'why' we find more ways to get it done.
When we search and search and can't seem to find ways to do it,
we create new ways to do it.
You've done it many times when your back has been against the wall.

That's why, like every great thinker, we can work backwards and live it forwards. The fancy term is "reverse engineering;" where you simply take a finished result and back up, step by step until arriving back at the startng line. It is so, so, so much faster than using trial and error. It cost nothing to open your mind. Only when we have a strong enough "why" for doing something do we take action.
Most people have every resource necessary to achieve their desires...
yet they >do not act upon those desires until they have a strong enough reason for doing it, getting it, and enjoying it. Most often, they act when NOT acting will cause greater pain... in other words, because we have to. That's why we don't call the dentist until it becomes unbearable. Only when there's a financial or other personally-distressing deadline do we buckle down and get busy.

Tell the truth: how many times have you had an urgent deadline suddenly thrust in your face, an unexpected expense or need that requires instant and equally urgent attention?
Most of us wait until the pain is unbearable before we call the dentist, right?

Too many times you've declared that you "just don't have the time to________." Pure and simple, that's a lie. Probably the most dangerous lie that you tell yourself and others.
Don't have time? What a crock. God forbid you needed dialysis starting tomorrow, three times per week, as my beloved Aunt Shirley had to tolerate for years. Her physical challenges never stopped her from a fantastically busy, fulfilled life. With her husband, she raised two children who became doctors, and another who became a lawyer (Well, two out of three's not bad). She was New Jersey's busiest town clerk in a hundred years. P.T.A., Brownies, Boy Scouts, you name it, Aunt Shirley never slowed down... and still managed to make time to spend twelve hours per week getting dialysis

Just like the rest of us, she, and you, and I, do indeed have time for whatever we figure is important.


Ask yourself what you want, and then why you want it...
specifically what you'll get from it.

If you are willing to describe precisely what you want, and when; what you'll get out of it; what's stopping you (obstacles), and then you break it into several smaller pieces, on paper, you'll find that you've taken the beginning steps that have been consciously or not-so-consciously taken by 5,200 extremely successful human beings that I studied.


What are the 5 things you most want? Close your mouth, write them down.

Write them down again 2x pr day for 10 days, & tell me your life hasn't seriously changed.

You have no right to opine whether or not this is a HUGE magical, high-velocity shortcut until you do it ten, twenty, thirty times or more!!

Almost everyone understands this, and almost everyone is too stupid to act upon it. That's why they're not happy with the results in their own lives. And it's surely been true of you many times.... up until today.
We're unhappy because it's not handed to us; we have to take a few actions, and, simple as they are, we make excuses and end up the same: unhappy with the results. True, or not?

Today is when you take what you already know, organize it on paper, and then act upon it.

Within a day or so, you'll start seeing changes. Within a week, everyone around you will notice. Just think about what you want, and put it on paper with some details. Losers know exactly what to do. Winners are those who shut up and do it. They care enough about their own lives to actually take the first step.

Why not take a look at what's possible in YOUR life?
With only one go-round, do you live life with passion? Rather than asking "Can you? we now ask, WILL you list just 3 things you'd still like to be able to do before you die? Go ahead, give it a shot, what's the harm in putting a few lines of writing?
Do it in the next few minutes. Let your mind go.

If you created a mental video of what you'd love your life to be like... ... ...go ahead, do it.
It's so simple: State clearly and precisely what it is that you want, and why you want it...
Remind yourself that when we have a strong enough "why," we always & invariably find the "how." Always and invariably means every single time. Create a mental video of what you'd most like for you. Climb into that video and feel it; I mean really feel it. See it and feel it as if it's already true. It has been the starting point of every significant dream, invention, and journey throughout human history. You already know that you have to see it to believe it; now it's time to tap into the power of "you have to see it to believe it."
Put it on a piece of paper. Do it now,
and see how you start to feel as you engage in what Dr. Schuller calls
"possibility thinking."

The only way it works is if you do it right now.

Can't do it after dinner. It really does have to be in the next few minutes.
That's half the secret. Just stop talking and close your eyes. With one or two long, repeat, looooong deep breaths, create that mental video of what you most want in this life, and play that video in your mind for a mere minute or so, really a full minute. Tell me you're not smiling by the time a hundred seconds goes by.
After FIFTY years of ideas and plans that 'just never worked out,' one old man was so offended by his first Social Security check, & the thought that "now the gov't is feeling sorry for me," he took that first check for $112 and tried to market an idea he had. He wrote down the names of everyone who turned him down. Went so far from home he stopped going home! Traveled all across the USA, trying to find people to back him. A thousand and nine people turned him down, most of them ridiculing his idea. After 4½ years of struggle, Harlan Sanders finally raised enough money to open his first Kentucky Fried Chicken. He knew what he wanted, and simply did not stop until he achieved it. This man is an excellent example that a "nobody" can become a "somebody" when they have a written plan. Just like the financially destitute, failing paper cup salesman, FIFTY-FIVE years of age, who created, AFTER BEING FIRED from yet another job, the MacDonalds Hamburger chain.

Excellence cannot occur accidentally. "If it is to be, it is up to me."

When we have a strong enough "why,"
we always and invariably provide pathways to it.

Within seconds of the moment that you understand how completely true this is, you are in possession of keys that fit the lock. Hey, this is YOUR life, and your journey through it.

Allowing yourself to be blown about by external factors cannot be tolerated any longer.
Allowing yourself to be nothing more than a tool of the person who signs your paycheck has got to come to its timely end. How long can the captain of a ship allow someone else to determine the course of that ship? Time is slipping by so much faster than you've been willing to acknowledge. Unlike the World Series, or World Soccer Cup, or NBA Championships, Life does NOT contain any time-outs. The clock never stops ticking, and with every single tick and tock, we are all one tick and one tock closer to the our final reward. The question is, what reward are you going to receive? It's YOUR SHIP!! Be the captain!
Vince Lombardi was the 'winningest' coach of his generation and beyond. He lived his creed, and therefore has the right to teach us. He told us repeatedly that our rewards are in life are in direct proportion to our commitment to excellence, no matter what human endeavor is undertaken.
What would make you so happy that you could see yourself fighting for it? If you don't go for it now, are you really foolish enough to think you'll go for it tomorrow? History, including your own, tells us otherwise. Better create that video quickly, and put it in writing. That gorgeous object of your desire is unlikely to ask you for a date. So, if you want a date, you'd better ask. See it in your mind's eye, create a video, and with the effort of a single minute, write down five ideas for what you'd consider to be a romantic date. Make it happen, or accept that it's not ever likely to happen.

See it! Write it! Ask for it!

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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Your Medical Destiny

Take charge of your medical destiny. Today!!!
Get healthy. Take charge of deciding how long and how well you live. Controlling your weight is just one of many medical issues you can use to your instant, truly immediate benefit, as well as your long-term benefit.
These are the shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires, Olympic champions and billionaires.
They cost little or nothing, certainly less than you're paying now, and require less effort.
The best reason for taking charge of your medical destiny? Well, destiny and destination come from the same Latin root, and some of us believe that it's better to be the pilot of a boat in stormy waters than merely a hopeful passenger.
  1. Heart patients who improve their diets and lifestyles without surgery outlive those heart patients who DO have surgery, by a margin of up to fifteen years, sometimes more.
  2. During the three longest 'strikes' or job actions by doctors in the past 200 years, the death rate dropped dramatically within 24 hours of the strike's onset, and just as radically zoomed up when the action ended.
The moment you take this control back, you instantly add time to your life. You see, among a host of other benefits, you'll no longer need to have a worried-looking doctor telling you you're eating too much fatty meat, or smoking a bit too much. As your own doctor for all but traumatic injuries, you'll monitor yourself with more knowledge, less stress, and therefore better long-term prospects. You will save aggravation, money, thousands of minutes in waiting rooms, uncountable ergs of energy now wasted on worry about things that rarely come to pass, and, most of all, you will, statistically speaking, be saving your own life.

If you tell me you 'don't have time' to go to a library or to go on the Internet, I can only ask if you have time to sit for an hour or two waiting to be seen by the doctor. Have you even stopped to consider the insanity of this? Instead of spending an hour getting to the doctor's office, another hour or two waiting to be seen, worrying throughout that whole time that you have something dreadful, you can cut right through that entire mess of wasted time, money, worry, and effort…. By looking it up yourself and making better decisions. THEN, if you still need, or feel you need medical advice, you can get that too, faster, cheaper, and with less toll on your body and mind… asking experts on the Internet.

After all this, if you STILL feel you need to see the doctor, aren't you far better off going into that man or woman's office with far greater knowledge than you had before? With the knowledge you have gained, you can now participate in the decision-making process, rather than just leaving it in the hands of someone who cannot, and therefore does not, care as much about your life as you do. It's a logical, step-by-step process.

Better yet, even if, in the course of your going to the library, internet, etc., you should run into a term or a medicine that you don't recognize, you have instant access to finding your answers. Once again, should you need or believe you still need to consult a doctor, at least you'll know what the doctor means when he gravely pronounces that you have too much deoxyribonucleic acid in your body, hm?

In that last sentence I used the word "consult," and that's exactly what your doctor's job is: to CONSULT; not to order, demand or otherwise force upon you. His or her job is to generate money, and it's an unrealistic or overly-romantic individual who thinks otherwise, unless that doctor is working for a less than munificent fee for his consultation! Like every other number, the amount of his fee does not lie: it tells a great deal about his commitment to excellence. In the 1990's I frequently went to a Dr. Victor Chehebar, in Great Neck, NY., whose name was bandied about to me as being a 'brilliant diagnostician." He charged several hundred dollars per visit, even if it lasted but four or five minutes, which was more often than not, and never actually examined or treated me. He discussed reports, he issued prescriptions, he sent me to a variety of other specialists, and never actually touched me. It took about four thousand dollars' worth of visits before I surgically removed him from my diet, and I have to say that my healing process speeded up considerably.

When you see how doctors and medical professors seminally disagree on the most basic, simple life-extending methods and treatment, from low-fat/hi-carb, or low-this and high-that, to which medicine is best, or even what it is that needs curing, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee: you need to find out what's best for you, what has worked consistently for other successful people, and then duplicate the effort, knowing that there are virtually no known exceptions to the axiomatic truth that duplicating an effort leads to duplicating the result.
It's how you repeat every single successful task from birth to death, so let me repeat it: duplicating an effort inevitably leads to duplicating the result. Think about it. Don't just read and run past. Think about it. Then ask yourself clearly what result you most desire. The answer to that single question, and more so when it's a detailed answer, is a powerful, instantly utile path to enormously improved decision-making… ergo enormously improved results.

We all have high-powered shortcuts available to us that instantaneously guide each of us towards a far healthier life, adding both quantity and quality to our personal existence. Many of them begin working within seconds, and there is not a single human among you who can licitly decry or refute their effectiveness. Typically enjoyed immediately, and over the long term, you're about to boost your health with less effort or time than you're now investing. That's the single most important point of the information being presented: less effort, more results.

As a bonus for your faithfulness in shutting up and taking action, you'll also find that they instantly accelerate your results. Finally, the principles that underlie all that you're reminded of in these pages are principles that have specifically been used again and again, and yet again, by thousands of individually identifiable people who have consistently done it better than, well, let's bring it out up front… consistently done it better than you. That these people have also done it better than me need only affect you insofar as you see me duplicating their results by duplicating their methods. My lifetime dream of writing a hundred good documents had to change after I declared myself happy with my 200th fairly written essay. Now my goal is to write five hundred of them, and being at 330 or so now, it may well change again.
The only thing that doesn't change is my personal observation of people doing what they most love and learning how to do it better - from the horse's mouth.

These techniques have been practiced through countless generations by people who live longer and better. They are the horse's mouth because the best teachers are NOT those who know better; it's those who DO better.
If you're not getting it from the horse's mouth, which end of the horse are you getting it from? Old wives' tales actually tend to be about as worthwhile as the information touted as "the most current scientific data available." The tiniest example of this is "Jewish penicillin," an affectionate term for chicken soup. After 6,000 years of feeding chicken soup to sick people, we find that chicken soup has more benefit to cold and flu than any other known hot liquid.

Every single year of your life, you can find "solid scientific data" that utterly belies what was "solid scientific data" as recently as a year earlier. Doesn’t this give you a hint you want to heed? This portion of the world's largest connected set of web sites dealing with shortcuts is focused on health matters: PowerGems for health that are one-conditionally guaranteed to produce faster, far more effective results than any of us are able to achieve through what we erroneously refer to as 'conventional' medicine.

How nice it will be the moment you demonstrate an understanding of how doctors who give us the most, give us the most. They're also living it the most. When we see 'alternative medicine' specialists such as former Surgeon General Everett Koop or Harvard professor Dr. Andrew Weil leaving their high-up positions to live lives of enormous giving AND living, right into their 60's, 70's, and beyond, well, it's time to think about equine anatomy again. Doctors who push prescriptions make a fat commission on each piece of paper handed to you. STOP. Did you 'hear' that? Every time a doctor gives you a piece of paper with that unmagical Rx on it, that doctor is making money. Should you consider suggesting that all doctors, including every one of yours, is acting on a purely non-financially motivated basis, you'd be invited to move to what is almost universally considered to be the most religious neighborhood in the U.S.A. You'd be invited to do so simply because I did, and objectively observed larcenous skullduggery and criminal behavior a full order of magnitude more prevalent than in the heart of any of the world's more dangerous cities, where I've also resided. Just as those who are referred to as 'observant' in their religion so rarely do more than observe, few doctors who own or operate a medical practice are doing more than practicing their business. If this strikes the reader in any way towards being judgmental, the reader is asked to determine if the reader's doctor is driving a five thousand dollar car, or a fifty thousand dollar car. Then, you are asked to look at the Hypocritica -- oops, Hippocratic oath, and read it. READ.

If, God forbid, you accidentally cut your left arm off or get knocked unconscious, or suffer from horrible kidney pains, by all means go to a hospital. It means you've already made one or more very bad decisions, entailing a need for assistance from someone else. Had you been paying attention, you would not have been hit, cut, or infected. That's a whole different chapter. For just about every medical concern that's not involved with traumatic injury, you have no less than ten thousand resources available to you that are exponentially better for your recovery than going to your local doctor's office. From blood cancer or diabetes to psoriasis or high blood pressure, doctors can only be useful in
helping you to help yourself, rather than what is too-readily perceived as a "Help me, Doc!" kind of situation. Even if you've already made so many poor decisions that your health is in the proverbial pits, you can engage an instant reversal of trend, an immediate alleviation of symptoms, by simply following those who have done so successfully, and repeatedly.

This site is created with respect and reverence
for those doctors and surgeons who live simply and give largely.
How well you understand the foregong paragraphs is found in the way you've just responded mentally, along the lines of "Doctors heal people most of the time" Put your seat belt on, because the statement requires your examination.
  • You're not being told that doctors are useless; only that they are, by a fat margin, a secondary resource for you to heal, NOT the primary resource you've been using them as.
  • Doctors don't heal people; they can help people to heal themselves.
For example, you believe that the chemical in aspirin alleviates a headache, and that antibiotics cure infections, and thirdly, that prescription medicines are good for you. You are assured, by the only human being in history to have read more than 17,000 books in 33 years that all three of those statements are 100% false, misleading, and dangerous to believe.
  1. Aspirin does not cure your headache. When it dissolves into your bloodstream, the active ingredient sends an electrochemical message to your brain which instructs your brain to produce natural pain-killing chemicals that will ease the headache.
  2. When you take an antibiotic, the antibiotic does not have any influence whatsoever on the infection. When the antibiotic dissolves into your bloodstream, it sends an electrochemical message to the brain, literally forcing the brain to produce more of the natural chemicals that will fight the infection.
  3. It is the same way with every single prescription medication available on the planet. The drug itself does not cure anything; it only forces your body to do what it's already designed to do, speeding up the process through artificial means. It's fair to estimate that, in no less than 80 to 90 percent of the occasions where such stimulation of the natural process is necessary, you can achieve those same results through methods and/or substances that are not as dangerous as prescription medicines. This is where the falsity of the third erroneous belief comes in regarding the so-called benefits or safety of medicine.
  4. EVERY prescription medication has unpleasant side effects that are identifiably dangerous to the body. No known exceptions. They are specifically designed to assault and depress your immune system in hope of encouraging your immune system to fight back against the invader in your body. Hope? Encourage? Not very solid words for a science, are they?
That doesn't mean we should never take, for example, an antibiotic. It simply means that, before taking the drug we need to look at the side effects of that drug and then make an informed decision. You already use this process, often referred to as 'weighing the benefits against the drawbacks,' for many of the decisions you make in your life. What could be wrong with your thinking that, for the most precious of your resources, your life itself, you would leave such crucial decisions in the hands of someone who is far more interested in his or her own needs than in yours? Talk about stinking thinking!!

Why do you think that the drug is controlled by government agencies? You can't buy insulin or erythromycin or thorazine off a supermarket counter, you need to have a prescription. By law, every prescription must come with a piece of paper telling you all of the side effects and what we call contraindications, a fancy word that means to convey "all the things that can wrong with your body." Medicines are regulated by government for one reason only, my dear, and that is, THEY'RE DANGEROUS. When was the last time you read the little sheet that comes with your prescription?

Did you know that, for example, steroid-based medicines for many skin conditions, (corticosteroids) without exception are all severely dangerous to your liver and/or kidneys and/or …? Every medicine that requires a prescription requires a prescription because it has dangerous, sometimes lethal side effects.

In the year 2000, U.S. President William J. Clinton cited government reports establishing clearly that hundreds of people every week die 'by accident' because of misdiagnosis or being given the wrong medication. These occurences are not accidents, they are negligent homicides, because you can bet these doctors aren't making these mistakes with their children or parents or spouses, are they? As President, Mr. Clinton ordered that all federally-funded hospitals no longer accept handwritten prescriptions. Did you know this? Whether the doctor's chicken-scratch handwriting is being misread by the pharmacist, or the doctor is issuing the wrong medication for the patient, we know that eliminating handwritten prescriptions alone instantly began saving many thousands of you and your friends and relatives from dying needlessly.

Yes, yes, we already know that you believe it'll never happen to you. We can tell by the thousands of coffins being purchased and used month after month after month for people who "were doing fine just two days ago," who are now six feet under.

This site is also dedicated to you personally using time-saving, money-saving, aggravation-reducing, LIFE-SAVING PowerGem shortcuts to faster, better health and healing. As with all PowerGems, they are one-conditionally guaranteed to work. The one condition? They must be used. They are all chemical-free, unregulated by the government because they all involve natural methods that have been used, and are still used, by those people living longest and best. You are again asked that all-revealing question we began with:

If you're not getting it from the horse's mouth, from those who have already done it better than you, which end of the horse ARE you relying upon?
Take control of your medical destiny today. Reap the benefits immediately.